Wednesday, November 4, 2009

How to Get Products You Use Everyday for FREE

I just got a bag of dog food. For free. And what's even more amazing is that we actually have a dog, so it's a free sample that we can use. There's nothing worse than getting free samples of things you can't use. It's like being anti-caffeine and getting a free packet of Folgers™ . However, this wasn't just your average came-with-the-mail sample; it was a 10lb bag. “How in the world?” you ask. Simple. I wrote to the company.

Yup, that's right, I just dropped them an email. I explained how I was a loyal customer, how we had tried other foods and had not had the successful experience with them as we had with this particular brand. I then went on to explain that because their food was of the highest quality, it was obviously more expensive to produce, and therefore more expensive to us, the consumer. I mentioned how times for us (like everyone) were hard, and how we'd prefer not to switch to a cheaper, and hence, lower quality food for our pup, but we just didn't have the resources to continue on with them at their current prices. I asked if they had any type of coupon or voucher they saved for loyal customers, and if so, could I possibly qualify? Just to get us through for a little while, mind you.

And voila! A day later, I received an email informing me to keep an eye on my mailbox as they had sent some coupons my way. I also received a certificate thanking me for my continued loyal patronage. If there's one thing companies love, it's loyal customers. And a loyal customer who has taken enough time out to actually write the company is a loyal customer who they would like to keep. Obviously I'm satisfied enough to write to them, therefore they're banking that I'm satisfied enough to recommend them to other pet owners. And here's the kicker: I am.

I wasn't trying to scam them and I wasn't trying to “score”. Everything I mentioned in my letter was 100% true. We love that food for our dog. We have tried other foods and they messed with his digestive system. This particular food doesn't. And what's more, is it's one of two foods that vets recommend. So I felt completely confident in identifying myself as a loyal consumer.

So when I received the coupons, along with several that were $2.00 off, there was a voucher in there for a free 10lb bag of food. And that's enough to last the pup a month. Certainly enough to get us through until the next paycheck. Sometimes it's worth it to be a loyal customer. And free is a price that's worth it to me.

As always, stay tuned for out next post and if you have anything that you would like to see discussed or addressed on Financial Fix Utah, feel free to email

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