Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sorry Everyone!

I took a little bit of a holiday hiatus, finished up the school semester, did the holiday thang, and sadly, had a grandparent pass away too, which would explain the lack of posts the last three weeks. However, it's a new year, and it's time to save! So all you Frugal Fannies out there, watch for my next post to come shortly!

New Year, New Goals, New Ways to Save Money

I have an account to Netflix. I know, I know it seems like an unnecessary expense, and it kind of is. What I mean is that it doesn't fall into the "essential necessities" category, such as food, clothing, shelter, etc. However, any Frugal Fannie knows that the key to saving is to allow some luxuries--it's just important you don't go overboard with the spending. It's all about avoiding extremes. Denying yourself even the smallest treat can lead to a binge of spending for most people, which is the opposite of saving, obviously. Which brings me back to Netflix.

We have tried Redbox. It really is a great idea, a great way to get the newest movies without having to pay through the nose and keeping them for five days. However, if you're like me, scatter-brained and rushed most of the time, you can turn that $1.00 fee into $25.00 because you simply forget to take the movie back, and that is not a good thing. Enter mailed movies. For one low, flat rate ($8.99 + tax) you have movies mailed to you, no late fees, and no running to the store at 8:59 pm trying to get it back in time. Now, the $8.99 + tax is for unlimited movies, one out at a time, and you can also watch unlimited movies on your laptop. Now, I can practically hear all you Frugal Fannies shout, "$8.99 + tax?! That could be nine movies from Redbox!" and it could be. However, the luxury of no late fees and the opportunity to watch online make it all worthwhile for me. It's one of those little things that keeps me from going nuts from deprivation in a world of material goods. And that, after all, is really the goal, isn't it?